Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-07-31 | 17:18:15

Support for the race available at and also from the home page quick link.

P.S. I'll be taking a break in the next few days, but will try to read my mail now and then. Drop me a line if you see any problems and I'll fix it if I get online.

commenticon 9 Comments
Post by iconPost by lotsemann | 2015-08-08 | 01:32:32
The GrandSpi sail is not represented in the polars, and it seems to be absent from the router as well...
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-08-12 | 17:00:48
Ooops. I have used the modified script for the class 40 which had one less sail.

Should be fixed now, but the sail names may still be different. Same for the Fastnet race.

Edit: Fastnet still has one less sail. Will have to reverse the "fix"
Post by iconPost by lotsemann | 2015-08-12 | 23:31:16
Thanks, Cvetan.

The routing is ok now. On the other hand, the TWA line does not seem to be fixed -- it is falling 20 to 30 minutes slower than the suggested route in my present condition (downwind with the GrandSpi). Also, the GrandSpi is still absent from the polar graphic.

Thanks for your attention!

Alexandre (lotsemann)
Post by iconPost by lotsemann | 2015-08-13 | 15:24:48
Problems fixed. Thank you, Cvetan!

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-08-13 | 15:54:21
The data (png image actually) used for the track and polars is cached client-side for 24 hours. F5 or Control-R (or clearing browser cache) would have fixed it.
Post by iconPost by lotsemann | 2015-08-14 | 06:09:02
That's clear to me. Thanks!
Post by iconPost by frankdev | 2015-08-11 | 11:57:11
Hi Zezo
I have been using your guidance for a number of races with great satisfaction. Now, with FaceOcean, I have been guided bizarrely by Zezo into the steamy forests of deep Africa, and which has put me in imminent danger of being hung up by the belubas.
I would be grateful if Zezo would guide me around that great bump of Africa, via safe waters, and to our chosen destination.

sincerely, Frankdev
Post by iconPost by lotsemann | 2015-08-12 | 23:25:21
Dear Frankdev,

Setting a destination other than Toulon may be of some help in cases like this. I hope it works for you.

Best regards,

Alexandre (lotsemann)
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-08-13 | 15:52:56
That, and selecting 16 day routing. Going for Toulon with a 8-day forecast wolud get you lost in the jungle indeed.
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