Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-09-16 | 17:46:59

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Post by iconPost by lotsemann | 2015-09-17 | 09:09:49
Thanks, Cvetan!
Post by iconPost by Onda3 | 2015-09-19 | 21:15:14
Be careful, guys.
There is an island at the game map at this beggining that the zezo map don't show and don't use to calculate the route. Zezo route told to go directly there.
I only noticed at this 20:00 hour tackle and decided to go southern and see what else to do 21:00 CET.
Post by iconPost by Onda3 | 2015-09-20 | 09:27:30
Is there any player in this community with the pro package? I would like to add as fried to watch the sail.
I see that all the key players (gold boats) are not taking zezo like route. They're choosing slower and direct navigation. Zezo is calculating longer but faster. I like zezo route and I believe pro package with this route will win (of course, if the forecast don't radicaly change).
I'm with this strategy, but don't have the best equipement and won't stand a chance to win, just to do a good participation.
Post by iconPost by oxynorm | 2015-09-22 | 08:03:30
In Nautic Transat, I Noticed a problem with POLAR CHARTS.
In POLAR CHARTS, the boats speed is shown to be SAME despite are you using the PRO SAILS or NOT. Even the sail change is shown as you were having pro sail option.
It doesn't make a difference, have you put a cross in the PRO SAILS box or not.
In router,at the turning points, speeds are shown correctly.
Small thing, but annoying. Hopefully this can be corrected.
Great help anyway, THX
Post by iconPost by fatuivamarquesas | 2015-10-11 | 00:40:09
Hello to all. A question: is the recovery on zezo of the position of its boat with a link or a constant file possible?
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