I tacked two times after the start to get on the layline out of New Zealand. The second tack at 03:13:00 to starboard: The tack is properly executed in the user interface. Than I got kicked out, back to the home screen (annoying) and when I go back to the race (VOR leg 7), I see my boat is BACK ON PORT TACK!!
With VR Dashboard it is visible that a tack penalty is applied for the tack to stb and than without command the boat is again sailing port (03:14:02).
I'm very lucky not to have gone back to asleep after the (according the user interface) succesfull tack, but I had to tack again (03:15:44), which is causing an extra tack penalty and I missed the lay line by a few minutes.
Anyone with the same problem? VR has become close to unplayable like this. Not funny anymore.

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