Post by iconPost by huditojo | 2018-04-21 | 21:57:34 my VR web page the full options kit have a short period of time to buy it: I registered yesterday and the fullpack purchase it's ONLY available until tomorrow night...Anyone else has this "gift"???????
Can VR manipulate the settings of each race for each of us???

commenticon 6 Comments
Post by iconPost by Toppen | 2018-04-22 | 16:36:48
I guess it has something to do with the fact that there is more than a week left... so check again when there is less than 7 days left .. i guess you will then have 6 days xx hours and yy minutes left of the offer...
Post by iconPost by DancingBrave | 2018-05-11 | 15:08:24
Hard to tell who has the upper hand in this.

The YourMom/Tessa group running down the coast or what I think is the bigger Mangina/BigBird group out to sea.

Yesterday looked like the former but today very much the latter :(
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2018-05-11 | 15:42:25
I've been checking Zezo's ETAs for the last couple days... Tessa and I need some major changes in the forecast to have a chance. When I checked a couple hours ago, Zezo had us losing to the Mangina group by most of a day. We should find out more within a couple days... At the moment, Zezo wants us to turn right in a couple days to get away from the coast and essentially drop into line 100+ miles behind the Mangina group. For us to have a chance, I think the forecast along the coast for 5-6 days from now needs to improve enough for us to stay near the coast and not make that right turn.

The boat to watch is Gushami (and whoever's with him). I considered making that early move South and didn't go for it. Anyone who did looks very good for now.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-05-12 | 14:39:22
It looks a bit like the route to Cape Town along the African coast. Lowering the wind limit from 4 to 2 knots helps a bit, but the router will still be over-optimistic in high-pressure areas.
Post by iconPost by Stormbringer | 2018-05-12 | 15:55:49
I'm about 10 miles behind Mom, I get a favorable route along the coast for 5 days before it falls apart. Can't decide whether to head south and fall into line or just push east and hope to get lucky.

Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-05-12 | 20:51:37
looks like the coastal guys are toast. Big Bird is looking very good and I'm 12 nm north of him a couple of positions behind. time will tell the next 5 to 6 days ...
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