Post by iconPost by rudy | 2012-12-05 | 00:30:15


I've done à little tool based on zezo (infacte I analyze the chart of zezo and creat a lisview to read more easly the predicted road) are you are with the idea to share it on internet?(I've sent you a mail about that few days agao but I still didn't have answer)
If you don't want I use your page it's ok of course

commenticon 5 Comments
Post by iconPost by coconutella | 2012-12-06 | 11:00:44
Hi rudy,
you can share it on
Thank you!
Post by iconPost by didierma | 2012-12-08 | 12:57:50
Hello Rudy,

Where could i find your tool ?
Post by iconPost by Le_Grand_DIC | 2012-12-09 | 14:04:57
Hi Cvetan,

A while ago, I have developed a Spreadsheet to copy into the clipboard the route, which could be pasted in VRTool. I was used to convert the pixels using

lon = (left + 2 ) / scale
lat = 90 - (top + 2) / scale

This still works but I have found it slightly inaccurate. Is there any modification you would suggest to convert the pixels to decimal degrees?


Post by iconPost by zezo | 2012-12-10 | 16:19:30
@rudy: Sorry for the delay. It's OK to use the data as long as you mention the original site. But I make changes now and then which may break the parser.

Like the scale parameter moving from html to javascript at some point.
Post by iconPost by rudy | 2012-12-27 | 03:07:51

ok I'll mention the original site in my tool, i'm sorry for no-french people but the software will only be in french...maybe if I have some free time theses next days I'll do an english version too...
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