Post by iconPost by Laiska | 2010-10-25 | 22:49:05


Would it be too much to ask to ask support for the RdR also?

Starting next Sunday, 31th Oct.


commenticon 28 Comments
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2010-10-26 | 19:55:51
Mono or Multi? ;)

Mono uses the same boat as Velux, so half the work is done.

Multihulls are new boat

Post by iconPost by Laiska | 2010-10-26 | 20:46:14
Me, mono would be enough this time :)

Yes, the polars are indeed the same, so there is actually very little essential to be done.

Post by iconPost by eric | 2010-10-27 | 00:12:46
Hello Cvetan,

Great job "zezo" ! I'm a new fan from France (Sorry for my english). Like Laïska, I'would like to know if your futur work on RdR for VR, is ok for "Multi" with pro sails.

Thank's and long life.

Many thanks

prince eric
Post by iconPost by BennyLava | 2010-10-30 | 15:50:53
Back sailing after a sabbatical 6 months, Multihull is my preference.

благодаря Cvetan!
Post by iconPost by BennyLava | 2010-10-30 | 15:51:46 cyrillic here, should read: Blagodaria Cvetan!
Post by iconPost by Frankfurt | 2010-10-30 | 23:29:48
Holy Cvetan,
Help! The Rhum starts tomorrow! We need somebody - you!
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2010-10-31 | 12:57:35
It will be ready today. Maybe not right from the start, but today.

Also the Mono imoca polars are not the same as in the velux race, and it will require some additional work.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2010-10-31 | 15:37:35 support is up, but VR is down ...
Post by iconPost by enzojeanb | 2010-10-31 | 16:18:45
Hi Cvetan

Any chance of solving the destination issue on RdR monos... it's still showing capetown here
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2010-10-31 | 16:20:00
Yes, once VR comes up and I see the destination coordinates ;)

Edit: That's ready, but beware the finishing marks. Also it would be better to stick with shorter goal and 1-day predictions while going around France.
Post by iconPost by BennyLava | 2010-10-31 | 16:37:56
Anybody having problems logging in? Took me 1,5 hour for the first time and still having problems logging in...
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2010-10-31 | 16:41:52
It's down most of the time.
Post by iconPost by Belladonna | 2010-10-31 | 16:48:22
Cvetan, what a deception to see that you signed for "ful options".

BTW, if VR is already having troubles whith some 30.000 boats, it's quite normal but certainly not acceptable that they are down with more than 130.000 !
Post by iconPost by BennyLava | 2010-10-31 | 17:02:31
I'm asking for a refund
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2010-10-31 | 17:02:38
I did it mostly to be able to check the pro sails polars. They seem a bit off, but it might be only rounding errors when going from km/h to knots and back.
Post by iconPost by BennyLava | 2010-10-31 | 16:51:25
OMG they fcuked up again, such a bunch of amateurs. One would assume that they've learned from their many, many mistakes the last years, NOT!
Post by iconPost by Belladonna | 2010-10-31 | 17:04:02
Cvetan, I'm afraid there is something wrong in your routing (perhaps it's me ?).
If I follow your indicated 270° heading from 2°46'w 48°53'n, I'm going straight in the rocks !!!
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2010-10-31 | 17:09:55
There might be a bit more rocks in the current game chart than knows about. Stick to the game chart. Just keep in mind that TWA of 140 or below is probably optimal.
Post by iconPost by claudev1 | 2010-11-02 | 15:35:56
I found this site via google looking for a RdR forum as Virtual Regatta didn't support it any more.
Is that true that they dont support it any longer or is there a way to find it?
This site is very well done and may give some indications around the strategy decided, but unfortunatly there is not pro sails.
Congratulation to Zezo.
Post by iconPost by Belladonna | 2010-11-03 | 19:17:37
Hi Cvetan,
I noticed that your server seems a litle slower than usual. Is this due to a bigger number of people using your program ? Probably yes. Can you count the nr of people at one time ?
Maybe you should do the same as MP : disable the forum to allow the server to breath !!!
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2010-11-05 | 20:03:57
More than 1000 people use it on daily basis, and at the peak time (20:00) more than 100 people try to access it simultaneously. When this happens you start getting blank pages instead of slow response ;)
Post by iconPost by claudev1 | 2010-11-05 | 22:07:34
Your winds for 20h seems to be wrong. At 18h they were ok (like they are now after 20h on VR) but you have changed the wind at 19h and it's a wrong one. I don't understand, of course we must considere the winds of Virtual Regatta , which were the winds you displayed at 18h but that you changed at 19h for the current wrong ones.
All the best
Post by iconPost by claudev1 | 2010-11-05 | 22:35:23
Sorry I made a big mistake; the screen did'nt opened on the same square and a mistake of 2° east was done by me - it was the square 43° West intead of 45° West and as the winds were in the same directions (more or less) I did'nt see immediatly my mistake.
Sorry once again you do an excellent job.
Post by iconPost by colombia76 | 2010-11-07 | 10:25:45
hello and Good morning,

Please I'm a new in that forum and I need some instructions !

How do you do to put the chart "actualized" and to get my position in Virtual Regatta in the race "Route du Rhum"

thank's by yours responses !

Post by iconPost by Frankfurt | 2010-11-20 | 17:08:00
Open PACOTOOL first for your boat and then use the "Lien vers Zezo" in the upper left corner of PACOTOOL and Zezo will open with your boat at the right position.
Post by iconPost by Paula | 2010-11-21 | 20:58:17
Oh No!!! Route Du Rhum charts have disappeared??

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Post by iconPost by zezo | 2010-11-22 | 21:24:33
I've removed the links, but the charts are still there. Use pacotool or open
Post by iconPost by Paula | 2010-11-30 | 16:10:41
Thanks a mill Cvetan! Wouldn't be without you.

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