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Fair_Winds | 2014-10-24 | 14:40:10
Ah ok, that answers my question I had begun to written when I saw this post...
"There is a litte "red dot" located exactly at 40S - 10 W on your map - what´s this? Because in the NOR (Notice of Race) there are nothing mentioned of any more rounding marks or any ICEGATES on this leg? (My plan is to go a lot deeper than 40S, that´s why... and when writing to support at VR, there are as usual.. no answer... But in the NOR for leg 5 and 7, it says: ""The course MAY include provision to reduce the risk of sailing through areas of significant ice." But if they have decided to do so on this leg, I think we should´ve been noticed a few days ago, because it´s now, when rounding "the only mark" FdN, you´ll have to decide what to do... So, my interpretation of all this, is that there are no more limitations in this leg, you are free to sail any route you want towards Cape Town.