Hi Cvetan, and once again, thanks for a great tool. (I have made my yearly "donation" to your paypal account, even if it could be a higher amount, at least you got something - something I hope everyone using your tool should do btw...)
Now to my question/suggestion.
Sometimes I think it´s difficult to see if the simulator are suggesting to go on a fixed course (straight line) or if it suggests to go on "windrudder" (twa).
I know, it´s possible to check with the track tool, but that´s only for the "closest" stretch so to speak - I hope you are following me in my perhaps poor english here...
And I know that the twa is seen in a red line, and the cc in a black line.
Would it be possible to make the simulator just let the color on the suggested choice (cc or twa) be decisive?
In other words:
If the simulator is suggesting to use your windrudder (as you always do when beating or going downwind on vmg - that´s a given) - let the color on the line be only RED (then you know to use the windrudder), and likewise, if the simulator is suggesting to go on a fixed course (CC) - let the line be only BLACK.
What do you think of that, would it be possible? (which I think and hope)
Personally, I feel this feature should be a great improvement to a already great tool!
Please feel free to ask if something is unclear, or just make a comment of my suggestion!
Fair Winds!

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