Post by iconPost by Hugo | 2016-12-10 | 22:57:20

How often are there wind updates. Are regular times, like in the last Volvo ocean race, every 6 hours.

commenticon 6 Comments
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2016-12-10 | 23:08:10
Not sure about VR, but what happens here is this:

First 100 hours or so of new forecast is downloaded at

4,10,16,22h UTC

the remaining forecast up to 10 days is downloaded 50 minutes later.

The download itself takes about 3 minutes, so the new data should
generally be available after 4:04/4:54 etc.

There may be moments when VR uses old GRIBs and the router uses newer one, or vice versa for one of the interpolation points which leads to small differences.
Post by iconPost by Hugo | 2016-12-10 | 23:26:27
thanks for your reply
your program is very helpful
Post by iconPost by THEJean_Kevin | 2016-12-19 | 18:36:00

It's been 2 days that the winds do not match all the time, so, can you update them more often?
(Often around 1 pm and 6 pm, I did not watch the night)

Post by iconPost by Inicio | 2016-12-19 | 18:54:02
Post by zezo | 2016-12-10 | 23:08:10

Not sure about VR, but what happens here is this:

First 100 hours or so of new forecast is downloaded at

4,10,16,22h UTC

the remaining forecast up to 10 days is downloaded 50 minutes later.

The download itself takes about 3 minutes, so the new data should
generally be available after 4:04/4:54 etc.

There may be moments when VR uses old GRIBs and the router uses newer one, or vice versa for one of the interpolation points which leads to small differences.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2016-12-19 | 20:19:27
There was a big difference last night - 5 degrees or so, but I haven't investigated the case.

Most of the time there is bigger difference between the game engine and the game interface than between the router and the interface.

In the end, 99% of the time it does not affect the global routing strategy and you should be careful about the small details like sail crossover points, sail changes, dips in the polars and so on.

Also with the forecast updating every 6 hours our current wind and boat speed is not so important as with the 12-hour fixed weather.
Post by iconPost by nicolasdb | 2016-12-21 | 02:25:27

It seems the winds in VR changes at 5h35 11h35 16h35 and 23h35.
It seems the winds in zezo are not matching well for a couple of days, maybe since yesterday.

For now, winds seems wrong, in fact speed is wrong so there has to be a trouble somewhere.
Best regards
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