Seems a pretty nice idea. Why not?.
I am sure too many of us have something to argue when VR CEO tries to show the benefits of the new VR system. He feels proud of the fact that some colleagues in the first 50 are not spending one single euro. I am glad to know about these benefits. But are you sure that there is not other way to achieve this than producing a big disadvantage for many others??.
I will tell you my case: I was giving you total confidence in your capacity to make a fair game (despite there is no way to check what is the rule for the cards appearing). So I was happy to expend some money making a silver cat(amaran), with full option, and just some cards. I was confident on the barrel lottery....soon I realized that most of the given cards were useless....so, start spending some money...more money....but, I was travelling for the last 10 days....flights, meetings,....It is already a disadvantage not to have the possibility to keep one eye on the game every time the wind prediction changes.....but if I have to add that every single waypoint multiplies its price just because I had not the possibility to be there....then it is still worse.
Dear Mr. CEO....do you realize that most of your customers are people with a living that makes it difficult to stand 24 hours/day following properly the game??
If we had the time, probably we would be in the real VOR...not in the game.
Up to you. In my opinion you do not have a clear idea about your customer profile.
So my boat will also stand at TWA=0 JUST OFF THE LISBON FINISH.

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