Post by iconPost by Team Divaneser | 2017-11-02 | 14:42:34

See post on VR forum:

commenticon 52 Comments
Post by iconPost by patmaillou94 | 2017-11-02 | 16:16:25
merci de cette info
Post by iconPost by Lazy_Hikers_Finland | 2017-11-02 | 16:26:22
Could someone pls write a little synopsis as I am unable to log in to the forum.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-11-02 | 16:34:08
Someone posted a screenshot on Facebook, guess it's about the same topic. Google can't translate images yet, but it looks like they will be implementing some of the suggested changes regarding the cards.
Post by iconPost by WretchedExess | 2017-11-02 | 16:36:29
I can not log in either. I didn't even know there was a forum.
Post by iconPost by mak08 | 2017-11-02 | 16:40:53
Waypoints and Programming will be available at 2 cards flat.
Packs of 5 cards can be purchased separately for each type of cards.
Post by iconPost by MichelleWhy | 2017-11-02 | 16:40:45
The post translates into:

Hello everyone,

Evolution of the game, before the departure of the VOR (leg: 2) and the transat Jacques Vabre:

- Access to the weather up to 24 hours will be free. Maps will only be needed to see further in time

- You can buy all types of cards in a batch of 5.

- All programming will be fixed rate of 2 cards. (Prog.1: 2 cards, Prog.2: 2 cards, etc ...).

- Same for laying Waypoints.

We will try to keep you informed of new developments in the future, according to the information we will have.

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-11-02 | 16:43:37

Yes, that one.

Funny marketing strategy with the 2 card turn price instead of increasing the card price itself - now what, you got one card and then reach for your credit card in order not to lose it

That still makes the price of a turn 30c in real money. Damn, beer around here goes for 50c/500ml in the store.
Post by iconPost by WretchedExess | 2017-11-02 | 17:15:08
Well once again zero is the source for information! It is just plain absurd that you cant go to the VR website and get information like this. Cevtan I just bought you a bought you a couple of beers. :)
Post by iconPost by MichelleWhy | 2017-11-02 | 17:34:44
I've never been a genius in maths, but if I can count correctly, the first 3 turns are still 6 cards like it has been before.
Only the 4th turn comes to an absolute budget price :P
Post by iconPost by pmangino | 2017-11-02 | 20:09:26
You are absolutely right. Still remain the same trick:

1+2+3= 6
2+2+2= 6

With a new variable: two changes before: 3 after:4
Someone is pretending to subestimate our inteligence...
Post by iconPost by mcmgj | 2017-11-03 | 19:49:44
now new choice with pack of 5 cards (instead of one) WITH increasing the card price itself about 20% more expand !!!
Post by iconPost by Marty6 | 2017-11-03 | 00:15:49
Amount of cards needed for programming/waypoints still a joke especially since the first card or in the future the first two cards don't program anything.

Only by using a second step, so 4 cards instead of now 3, you are able to program a course change.
Post by iconPost by Lazy_Hikers_Finland | 2017-11-02 | 17:15:12
I can make a full 360 with those prices - here a beer is 2€/500ml
Post by iconPost by Rostef | 2017-11-02 | 17:24:37
I can not log in into the forum either, and not possible to create a new login.

Anyway, if above info is correct, then I think that is already a good step in the right direction and we should take this as a sign we have been heard.
It's understandable that not all our feedback will be considered and changed immediately. So I'm already happy to see this one.
The game might overall be more expensive than previous versions. But at least it's a fair game now and we know what we deal with.

I will join leg2 but I'll sail it in cruising mode since I'll be off on holidays in the Australian outback from the 17th onwards and might not even think about what my VR boat is doing...


Post by iconPost by JohnT | 2017-11-02 | 17:54:56
Re the forum, I could not login, but clicked the forgot password link using my VR login email, and now have access...
Post by iconPost by hophop | 2017-11-02 | 20:32:28
Combien coute 10 programmations ?
Post by iconPost by marcusbelgicus | 2017-11-02 | 20:40:59
At least some positive evolution. This is not a bad news. @ Zezo, they want to push you to take the full pack for the sails, and use the credits they give you at the beginning for the cards I guess.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-11-02 | 20:46:29
It's the only possibility anyway. I spent my free credits for sails in the Clipper and did not draw a single programming cards in 24 hours.

So in reality with zero previous credits you better spend the bonus on navigation packs, extras or no extras.
Post by iconPost by marcusbelgicus | 2017-11-02 | 20:56:01
I am trying to connect on a regular base to the VOR and JV and when I get lucky, I buy one of the PROG card when they appear, I have a few of them already. I expect that the pack of 5 will be....ummmh...not cheap!
Post by iconPost by Team Divaneser | 2017-11-02 | 23:34:41
From VR forum by google translate:

"If all goes well, this Version will be online tomorrow afternoon, for all races, current and future. But let's stay conditional, because it's hard work for our fellow programmers."
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-11-03 | 00:01:38
I can relate to that. Some of the logic is probably hardcoded in the app, so they have to release new version in the stores.
Post by iconPost by mcmgj | 2017-11-03 | 12:04:01
this is true for WP, but not for programming, only one card was needed to route, now we must use 2 cards ...
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-11-03 | 12:16:09
If we forget about the Gibraltar case (or other straits, like Malacca) the turns actually become more expensive for everyday use.

The entire idea of having to pay real money to steer the boat is disgusting.

I'd use the programmer not only to spend the night but also to make a turn in 10 minutes and go to play with my kids or have lunch or write that piece of code for my day job.

I already grounded my boat during the Prologue - should have used programming but did not not because the turns were expensive, but because they are finite resource that you don't want to waste while you are sitting in front of a PC anyway.
Post by iconPost by hophop | 2017-11-03 | 14:10:18
Vu le prix du pack full options la moindre des choses seraient d'inclure les programmations et les voiles auto en illimités. Pour l'instant je reste à quai.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-11-03 | 16:34:18
Providing unlimited programming would probably increase the number of paying customers 2x and the overall happiness 10x if you ask me.
Post by iconPost by marcusbelgicus | 2017-11-03 | 19:03:32
Totally agree. This game is no fun at all.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-11-03 | 19:09:55
Post by iconPost by pmangino | 2017-11-03 | 19:44:00
Post by iconPost by JohnT | 2017-11-03 | 21:20:40
Worse than no fun - it's extremely frustrating!
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-11-03 | 17:39:46
No shit, the price of first programmer is 2 points now, for all races.
Post by iconPost by marcusbelgicus | 2017-11-03 | 19:02:24
I am just fed up about Virtual Regatta. Completely FED UP. I have been patient so far, but this new version is just a joke. Still have to click 100 times to get a pack of PROG cards, that are obviously much more expensive than before, still this shit navigation pack with random cards, still this bloody barrel opening time not aligned with the weather conditions, etc. I am not going to spend any EUR in this game until all the changes that the players have requested are not implemented.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-11-03 | 19:29:46
Whaaaat? 150 credits for a programming card? 300 credits/turn? That makes what, 2EUR/turn?

It comes to teach us not to kick against the pricks or what?

Edit: the price is for 5 cards, but still in the random pick section.
Post by iconPost by mcmgj | 2017-11-03 | 19:47:03
Hey new price for CARDS
now you can get 5 cards by cards, in choice case (change each 10 minutes).... BUT :

5 help cards for 90 => help = 18 ; before help = 15 => + 20%

Same for meteo cards : 5 meteo for 90 => meteo = 18 ; before it's 15 => + 20%

for programming cards : before One card to chose route after one delay ... now need 2 cards ... before programming cards cost 25, NOW 5 cards for 150 => so one card = 30, before one card = 25 ; card are 20% more expend and you need 2 cards, so one programming cost 60 instead of 25 ... + 140% ... !!!

Idem for autosail : 5 for 120 : before : 20 each, now 24 : +20% ....

They've lost their minds.
Post by iconPost by mcmgj | 2017-11-03 | 20:14:02
BEFORE : one programming = 25, second = 50, third = 75, fourth = 100, so for 4 programming : before : 1+2+3+4 = 10 cards = 250 credits
NOW : One programming : 2 cards = 60, second = 60, third = 60, fourth = 60,
so for 4 programming now : 2+2+2+2 = 8 cards and .. 240 credits !!!
3 programming is same number of cards (6) but before : 150 credits, now 180 !!!
Post by iconPost by pmangino | 2017-11-03 | 20:15:25
VR keep walking backwards since 2014...
Anyone in disagreement..?
Post by iconPost by Inicio | 2017-11-03 | 20:15:44
I wrote VR:

"Maybe it gives a very good image that the double price of Waypoints and Programming starts from the 3rd of the series ...

Because with the current change, the image is given that the poor pay the price of the easy life of the rich ..."
Post by iconPost by Aussie60 | 2017-11-03 | 20:40:33
I do understand a game like this can't be free, but in the past you could buy in for a fixed price, you could packages for the whole leg or even race but now the longer the leg the more it cost.So basically if you want to sail you pay more if you want to be competitive, unless you do not need sleep of have no social life or a family. Even the real boats pay a fixed price up front and then can use what they buy the whole race!
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-11-03 | 20:48:30
That's called a "Pay to win" business model in the gaming world, as opposed to the former "Pay to play". And generally regarded as a bad idea.
Post by iconPost by Aussie60 | 2017-11-03 | 21:10:28
Well said Zezo and all about short term profit and not about customers.
Even if I have decided to join a different sailgame I will still be part of this forum. It is good to be able to have free speech here :-)
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-11-04 | 21:05:01
Thanks. I've been silent for far too long. Just minding my own business. Staying low and avoiding trouble. Never felt comfortable about it.
Post by iconPost by JohnT | 2017-11-04 | 08:18:49
I thought I'd try and save some programming cards in the mini and burn a couple of waypoints for the night. Guess what: the first one cost me 1 card and the second one cost 2 looks like nothing changed on that side....
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-11-04 | 08:49:24
They've never mentioned changing the already running races.
Post by iconPost by JohnT | 2017-11-05 | 04:50:31
I wasn't clear: now in both Clipper and Mini, so I assume all the races, programming is 2 cards for each step (not news!); But waypoints are still on the old system: 1 then 2 (I assume then 3 etc, but I stopped at 2!)
Post by iconPost by JohnT | 2017-11-05 | 04:50:33
I wasn't clear: now in both Clipper and Mini, so I assume all the races, programming is 2 cards for each step (not news!); But waypoints are still on the old system: 1 then 2 (I assume then 3 etc, but I stopped at 2!)
Post by iconPost by SailorSam | 2017-11-04 | 08:54:08
I just bought a 5 card Weather pack for 120 credits. I read this string of posts, went back to my VR and the 5 card Weather pack now costs 90 credits, five minutes later. I find no option to buy 5 card packs of Programming cards - still the 10 card lucky dip Navigation pack.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-11-04 | 08:56:56
The leftmost deck is still a random pick and changes 10 minutes after you reveal the current deck. Given enough time you'll get 5 programmer cards there (for 150 credits)
Post by iconPost by SailorSam | 2017-11-04 | 09:01:56
Thanks Zezo just noticed that - so instead of sailing my boat I sit and stare at the card screen hoping what I want will come along - a thrilling and totally fulfilling experience.
Post by iconPost by SailorSam | 2017-11-04 | 09:01:01
It looks like the types of cards available changes every 10 minutes - there is a count down timer in the bottom left corner. Now there are no Weather card packs but I can buy 5 x Waypoints for 120 credits.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-11-05 | 01:27:58
Anyone got a programmer card in the barrel recently? 2 boats, 3 races, 3 draws each and no such luck here. Looks a bit biased for a random process.
Post by iconPost by turb | 2017-11-05 | 01:29:42
Not in the random draw but in the 3 cards I can chose, yes (but I only have 1 boat on 2 races).
Post by iconPost by Inicio | 2017-11-05 | 09:04:56
Yes. I got several PROGs in the barrel recently.

And THANKS for the new options checkboxes!!!
Post by iconPost by Marcilly | 2017-11-05 | 09:42:54
liveskipper warmly welcomes you and you zezo also .. the weather is not a lottery.. and all sailors sail on equal terms..
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