Post by iconPost by Tantramar | 2017-12-27 | 16:28:37

After getting a reasonable (I think) start to the JV, I see that the first 24hr marker on my track shows that I've been at it for 7 days. If this is the case, I must be dragging my anchor and entered into a time warp...... Hope its not official with VR, ugh! I notice other boats, not all, have the same display of 7 days on their first 24 hrs as well, so might be something to check on.

Fair winds........

commenticon 61 Comments
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-27 | 16:39:29
I've made a tracker in UTC where everyone can enter gate passing times:
Jules Verne Trophy timing

There you can see who started approximately around the same time as you and once everyone entered their Equator passing time, there will be a ranking by days used to get there from start.

VR has bugs in it. The time you see for every boat is the same. And the time seems to correspond to starting your first attempt.
Post by iconPost by Tantramar | 2017-12-27 | 17:30:46
Thx for shedding some light on the 'bug'. Just have to wait and see how things sort out at the equator. Cheers.
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2017-12-28 | 01:24:18
Hi Cvetan -

I noticed you have crossed the equator. Can you tell us what VR shows when you pull up the Rankings and flip the switch to "Current"? Is it useful information? Does it have your correct elapsed time and those of whoever else has gotten there? Or is it showing the same bug as everything else, showing the elapsed time since the game opened?

Or did you start the moment the game opened, such that the bug doesn't apply?

- Mom
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-28 | 01:56:31
only way I know to get some kind of timing is to record yourself the start and gate passing times and write them in this timesheet:

about 45 boats now, Cvetan to record his equator passing time (UTC). the sheet calculates the duration for you
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-12-28 | 13:29:27

Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-28 | 14:19:00
Is that from the VR-client, Cvetan?
And is there a way to selected rankings at different gates?

Looks like I'm gonna be there in 6d 8h
Post by iconPost by MarinsEauDouce | 2017-12-28 | 13:46:11
Hello community,
I have set up a table that allows you to enter your times of passage on the different caps.

Go here:

For the oldest of you, you will be able to find the history of previous record races.

Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-28 | 14:22:23
not so nice to copy all boats from Jules Verne Trophy timing without asking or even making a reference and pretend they all registered at your sheet.

anyway, with the screenshot by Cvetan apparently from the game itself, there is no need for our sheets. apart maybe from finding other boats with approximately the same starting time.
Post by iconPost by MarinsEauDouce | 2017-12-28 | 14:32:51
Your table does not offer the history of previous races? So no it's not the same as you

Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-28 | 14:42:04
that is obvious and hardly anybody cares about past races ...

what I don't like is that you copied all boats out of mine and pretend they all registered with you
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-28 | 14:42:06

Post by iconPost by Paul | 2017-12-30 | 08:36:40
Hi I would like to fill in the start time box but I didn't take note when I started I was on the road with cell ph app. The other boats all say 9days 12hrs etc I know I didn't start then it must be when the race started itself.
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-30 | 11:09:23
Hi Paul,
just use your equator passing time and time to get there from the VR-ranking to get your starting time. Or just estimate one and add the time needed to the gates from VR to it. Just add the number of days in a formula. Let me know if you need help
Post by iconPost by Paul | 2018-01-08 | 07:12:54
Well I have passed second gate and have taken note of 1st gate that I passed at about 10pm ish New Years Eve New Zealand time didnt have ph on me so was a guess, But it said 6days10hrs15mins43sec. Gate two was very close to 2:30am 9th jan New Zealand time so yeah I went to bed with work the next day but it was on the VR route at 2hrs mark so cant say 100% just very close to. It now says 13days 14hr 26min 04sec. I would appreciate if you would be able to update the sheet it would be nice to be having correct times.
Thank you if you can update it :-)
Post by iconPost by WoKeN | 2017-12-30 | 12:20:05
So only at the gates you will see a ranking?
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-30 | 13:05:35
yeah, you cannot see a ranking before you pass a gate yourself
so no clue where you will end up with your estimated times

that's why I made the timesheet ...
Post by iconPost by WoKeN | 2017-12-30 | 13:08:41
So between gates there’s no ranking at all and you hav to wait until the next gate so see you position? Seems like a stupid idea and not what happened before.
Post by iconPost by WoKeN | 2017-12-30 | 13:08:42
So between gates there’s no ranking at all and you hav to wait until the next gate so see you position? Seems like a stupid idea and not what happened before.
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-31 | 13:16:55
Dear Jessica, (VR-support)

I passed the equator and was hoping to see some sort of usefull ranking. That was a very disapointing experience:

After passing the first gate, I can only see the top 50 plus my own time (regretting my choice for c0 over foils everytime I look at it).

I cannot see the other classifications (followed players, country, province, city and club).
I can also not see the classification of my followed boats that passed the equator if I click on them. They are all ranked #1 with the same time for everyone (timing bug as reported in #19990)
I expect that once I passed the next gate, I cannot look back at the classifications at the previous gate. We will see that in a week or so.
Glad I made the timesheet for me and my friends:

But you must admit that the VR game should provide much better ranking options in 'record mode'.

Anyway, I wish you and the VR-team a happy newyear and thank you for the ongoing support to improve VOR3. Really hoping to see improvements in record mode for timing and ranking very soon.

Met vriendelijke groet,
Mike Wassenaar

Have a looking a the screenshot above to see for yourself.

In the mean time keep adding you passing time or duration in the timesheet. You can also add a formula like I did =I12+6,38 where 12 is to be replaced by your row number and 6,38 by the number of days to get to the gate.

Let's wait and see what VR-team does and expect nothing ...

Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-31 | 15:54:43
Hi Cvetan, could you add another waypoint at the Cape Horn gate?
E,g, tlon=-67&tlat=-60
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-12-31 | 17:12:13
Will add it when the time comes. It will route you in the other direction now anyway ;-)

A gate has to be added in the router too, it will route somewhere north of Isla Hornos otherwise.

Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2017-12-31 | 19:10:51
I've noticed that ;)

How do gates work actually? Is it liking blocking a passage to force the routing in a certain way?
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2017-12-31 | 19:15:51
I use a simple (and fast) code in the form of

if (lon1 <= G1LON && lon2 >= G1LON && lat2 > G1LAT)

for every attempted boat move to check if it's valid.

But that does not work in all possible circumstances.
Post by iconPost by Inicio | 2018-01-02 | 01:33:29
Mike added filter views by Classes with the same options on the spreadsheet.
Post by iconPost by Inicio | 2018-01-04 | 12:21:59
Second gate!
And I see that you have a good position at that depression and a quick transition to the next!
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-01-04 | 13:25:54
14d 19h 44m 51s

first boat is 13d 06:46:14
Post by iconPost by Inicio | 2018-01-04 | 12:24:04
We'll need another series of filter views for the second gate!
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-01-05 | 11:16:01
I will start sorting by arrival at the second gate and leave the rank at the first gate column.

no need for filters as they are base on option groups or classes
Post by iconPost by GeGaX | 2018-01-04 | 20:06:06
DTL for JulesVerne do not take into account the Rogstar boat ?
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-01-09 | 01:36:03
nope, there is no dtl, only dtf and that sometimes increase by 100+ nm ;)

Post by iconPost by 9112 | 2018-01-10 | 13:05:16
At Equator:: SLOW-MOTION 5 d 18 h 08 m
Post by iconPost by Lasse | 2018-01-10 | 18:22:45
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-01-10 | 19:45:47
indeed, wow. fastest so far seems to be Aigle-Vert TEV in 5,27 days

however, since I passend gate2, I cannot see the rankings after gate1. Very clever, VR!


that's why I made the spreadsheet for people to record their passing times:
Post by iconPost by GeGaX | 2018-01-10 | 19:59:27
Hi Mike,
One thing I do not understand about your sheet, how can a time of 5.5 be first knowing that it had to be 10 ?
Could you turn the decimal time into time in the form of Day Hours Minutes (seconds) ?
Thanks ;)
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-01-10 | 20:21:39
it is first ranking by passing of gate 2 and than by passing of gate 1

I will have a go at a different date format if I find the time.
Post by iconPost by GeGaX | 2018-01-10 | 20:33:41
With INT and TEXT ;)
Post by iconPost by Paul | 2018-01-14 | 11:33:15
Hi Mike Dont know if you see this reply post to you.
Well I have passed second gate and have taken note of 1st gate that I passed at about 10pm ish New Years Eve New Zealand time didnt have ph on me so was a guess, But it said 6days10hrs15mins43sec. Gate two was very close to 2:30am 9th jan New Zealand time so yeah I went to bed with work the next day but it was on the VR route at 2hrs mark so cant say 100% just very close to. It now says 13days 14hr 26min 04sec. I would appreciate if you would be able to update the sheet it would be nice to be having correct times.
Thank you if you can update it :-)

PS: My VR ranking now says 18d21h13m20s
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-01-20 | 01:04:02
Dear Paul,

I've stopped maintaining the spreadsheet, because it would be easier to just enter intermediate times in the format VR reports. My spreadsheet is now frozen, so you can still see the data but not change them anymore.

There is another spreadsheet already set up for that with even more boats:

Feel free to add your times there,
Post by iconPost by Lasse | 2018-01-19 | 22:17:24
I just passed Cabo de Hornos. Tried to update the excel file but everything was greyed out...

Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-01-20 | 01:05:00
Dear Lasse,

I've stopped maintaining the spreadsheet, because it would be easier to just enter intermediate times in the format VR reports. My spreadsheet is now frozen, so you can still see the data but not change them anymore.

There is another spreadsheet already set up for that with even more boats:

Feel free to add your times there,
Post by iconPost by Toppen | 2018-01-24 | 08:57:18
Ventus Mare just started (my 2nd boat), i entered the starting time in the spread sheet using UTC time zone, correct?

// Toppen
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2018-01-25 | 15:08:39
Cvetan -

I've noticed something odd the last couple days. I just checked the routing from your position, and it looks like it's happening to you too, so I'm guessing you've noticed. It won't plot a routing to the actual finish, nor to anywhere in the Bay of Biscay. If you try to plot a route to the finish, sometimes the routing ends on the NW corner of Spain, and other times it ends on the SW corner of Ireland. I've set a destination on the SW corner of Ireland to force it to give me a consistent answer, but... Any idea what's up with this behavior?

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-01-25 | 15:22:13
There is a ridge at the finish latitude, with very weak winds that makes approach directly from the West impossible.

Approach from South also seems quite unlikely because of the strong stable NE winds along the coast.

That leaves the NW as only option, but the router algorithm uses a wavefront propagation and won't sail back to shorter distance to the origin. That prevents it from turning back SE at the end.
Post by iconPost by YourMomSA | 2018-01-25 | 16:44:22
Thanks. Sounds like routing to the SW corner of Ireland for the next several days will be the best move for both of us, and I guess once we get close (or the forecast for that area changes), it'll start allowing routes to the finish line.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-01-26 | 20:03:13
You may leave the destination as it is, it won't affect the routing. But at the final approach you should seek the earliest possible crossing of the finish line, because in this type of race it's actually a line, not a finish circle.
Post by iconPost by JohnT | 2018-02-06 | 06:22:31
unfortunately it looks as though someone has managed to sort/filter the data without including all the columns. the heading rows for the time columns are now showing opposite some boat names, so I think the boat name column is the one that is out of sync - it certainly is for my two boat entries.
Not sure what the undo/version control options are, but here's wishing a speedy recovery...
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-02-06 | 07:02:15
Dear John,

I've stopped maintaining the spreadsheet, because it would be easier to just enter intermediate times in the format VR reports. My spreadsheet is now frozen, so you can still see the data but not change them anymore.

There is another spreadsheet already set up for that with even more boats:

Feel free to add your times there,

Post by iconPost by JohnT | 2018-02-07 | 01:15:15
Thanks Mike - my bad: I swapped browsers and in the change-over picked up the wrong happily re-connected with the right one, and basking in temporary good standing until the fast group that started a few days ago hit the second gate!
John/Truffle Hunter
Post by iconPost by sylvainmeteo | 2018-02-13 | 20:12:50
I'm 4th after Leeuwin, but zezo told me to go west and JD1 and Yarimca went SSE last night, and no I lost like 4/5 hours on them, zezo looks like not working good under 70°S??? I can't understand this routing error...

Post by iconPost by sylvainmeteo | 2018-02-13 | 20:15:24
The current leader Stormbringer did the same mistake and lost his 3h advantage...

And again from here zezo tell me to go west again, WTF?
Post by iconPost by user1234 | 2018-02-13 | 22:13:33
i think your waypoint is too far away. So the router finds a quicker way to the waypoint by sailing the globe another way around.

Im no expert, but my limited understanding tells me that following exactly a really long routing. I mean routing of too many days might not be the best idea in situations where the forecast changes a lot. the route jumps around low pressure centers further away, as they appear differently from forecast to forecast. same goes for areas of low wind, because forecast tend to chance a lot in these. They are hard to predict and impossible to predict too far in the future.

thats not a bug in the router. Its just behavior of a program when given parameters change. (fresh forecast 4 times a day) I think the router works amazingly well. It might be a good idea to read the faq and q&a pages off this webpage.

Post by iconPost by Stormbringer | 2018-02-13 | 22:22:26
Interesting, you may be on to something. I switched my waypoint to Cape Horn about 48 hours ago because I thought the route to 65S/150W was pulling me too far north. Maybe I did that too early.


I tried re-routing to 65/150 and I get virtually the same track, although maybe now it's too late to tell since I'm so close. I actually think it was more of a TWA issue, see my post below.


Ashamed to admit, it may have been an E/W mix-up on the manual Zezo input! I don't have admin privileges on my computer at work so no dashboard there.
Post by iconPost by Stormbringer | 2018-02-13 | 22:17:48
Looked to me to be less of which gybe than a matter of TWA. JD1 was going deeper at 150 while zezo suggested 140 which I assumed was for the lighter pressure so I stayed with that. I did lose about 3-1/2 hours to him I think.

Cvetan any thoughts?

Post by iconPost by user1234 | 2018-02-13 | 23:21:27
All I'm saying is pure speculation with limited knowledge.
Try to do a routing to south pole. I think the grib file or the router ends some well before 90S, like 80s or something. All the wind arrows looks kinda too organized "on lines" running in east - west direction .

Confusing this game about round earth, on flat screen , and i don't know of which projection are the charts in the game or the router, or are they even the same. That might mess up the routing as well if too south. Atleast a identical routing on 70s would not look the same for human eye as a identical routing on equator.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-02-14 | 08:28:30
Most such anomalies have some explanation, but it's hard to tell after the fact.
Post by iconPost by user1234 | 2018-02-14 | 11:55:14
do I have to manually set my starting point to the left/west side of the zero chart after going enough east on the southern ocean after australia?

Because on the zezo router the map begins form west and goes like this: africa - australia- cape horn-africa again-australis again-capehorn again. Like 2 times around the globe.
So after Ive gone enough east do i have to manually set my starting point or destination in a way that I'm sailing again on the left side of this double map. Otherwise the routing will end somewhere on the right / east side and suddenly jump to the left /west side and the routing becomes quite weird i think.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-02-14 | 17:38:45
The "Center chart" option in the right mouse menu usually fixes your display when you get lost.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-02-14 | 17:49:10
@Stormbringer We'have all done that at least once.
Post by iconPost by Stormbringer | 2018-02-14 | 17:53:21
Cvetan I'm about 4-1/2 days out from Cape Horn. Was going to jump the destination to FdN in the next couple of days, but if I do it now it routes me up the Chilean coast in the Pacific. Is there a bug or am I just looking at it too early?

Thanks again in advance
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-02-14 | 18:00:35
Too early ... with a 5-day routing. Just switch to a longer period to check if the route goes south of the cape. Does not seem to be the case right now, but happens sometimes.
Post by iconPost by user1234 | 2018-02-14 | 22:33:18
I feel stupid now.
I was doing the routing with eastern coordinates when i was sailing the western ones. So as more went east the more my position was wrong and thats why the forecast didn't match with the game.
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