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BGSteMarine | 2018-01-03 | 23:58:56
Hi everybody,
First, a huge thanks to Cvetan for the tremendous help he brings to all of us with the tools, and the "sharing area" of this forum.
As a follow up to Marcus findings for the credits calculation, i have had a look to the way to go from credits to VSR points for a race.
At this stage, and based on the data i can see in this topic + my own races results + some others, my assumption would be that the difference between the credits and the points you win in a race is only linked to the Race Coefficient (from 6 to 1), and to the Sailor VSR Level (from 1 to 14). So for a given VSR Level (let's say 14), and a given Coefficient (let's say 5) you will have always the same gap between credits and points (277 with our example Level 14 / Coef 5).
As an example, in the Sydney Hobart which was a Level 5 (max credit 1600*2 = 3200), Your Mom SA with his 3rd place has win 3200/3^0,25 = 2431 credits, and 2431 - 277 = 2154 points (which we can check now in the WW ranking).
If we come to the formulas, for each Race Coefficient, we have a fixed "Decrease Factor" (32 for Coef 4 and 21.333 for Coef 5), and we have NbrPoints = NbrCredits - DecreaseFactor * (SailorVSRLevel - 1).
For example, if we take the second boat of Cvetan (VSR Level 4) :
- in the VOR (Coef 4), we have 862-766 = 96 = 32*(4-1)
- in the S-H (Coef 5), we have 673-609 = 64 = 21.333*(4-1)
To date, we have only data for race coefficient 4 and 5 with the new calculation algorithm which in place since the RORC, so we must wait to define the "Decrease Factor" for the other race coefficients (1, 2, 3, 6). What we can notice nevertheless, is that the proportion between the DF for Coef 4 and 5 is 1.5, which is exactly the proportion between the number of free credits we get at the start of the race (1200 for Coef 4 vs 800 for Coef 5). Perhaps we can have a clue based on that ... We will have a better vision when the TJV will end !
Hope it helps !
Fair winds to all of you