Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-06-25 | 18:45:14

routing is not working (yet).

btw, lots of big players not participating anymore

commenticon 26 Comments
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-06-25 | 18:46:54
The send bogus data: "distanceToEnd" : Infinity

You can see the DTF is missing from the player card too.

Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-06-25 | 18:50:11
oh oh, let's hope they are not reading here. otherwise they realise they found a way to break zezo+extension. maybe they did on purpose, but than they will soon find out they have no ranking without DTF ;)
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-06-25 | 19:00:53
We already deal with another case of invalid JSON:

var jsonString = params.response.payloadData.replace(/\bNaN\b/g, "null");

We just have to change the regex to (NaN|Infinity) and push the update.
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-06-25 | 19:13:43
weird ranking as a result ;)

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-06-25 | 19:22:05
He's just closer on the GC route. There are no scoring gates in this race, so the DTF calculation probably works server-side, just not sent to the clients.
Post by iconPost by Fouras_17 | 2018-06-25 | 20:05:45
translat google.

This day Z-dashboard V 2.3.0 does not work on Clipper.
chrome version to date. it worked before without problem.
Is there a solution ?
Thank you


<<< {"@class":".LogEventResponse","requestId":"636655431955040000_399","scriptData":{"rc":"ok","res":[{"raceId":372,"legNum":1,"legName":"Volvo Round Ireland Yacht Race","estimatedTime":5,"estimatedLength":700,"status":"opened","startDate":1.5303636E12,"start":{"lat":52.96535,"lon":-5.989143
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-06-25 | 20:15:33
Just copy the numbers by hand for the time being.

Either VR fix the DTF calculation, or we push a workaround tomorrow. It takes some time to release a new version anyway.
Post by iconPost by mak08 | 2018-06-25 | 20:35:29
Calling the router works for me. Is there still a problem?

Opening the polar results in an error because the dashboard sends twa=null. I'll push an update soon, but it'll fix itself when the race starts.

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-06-25 | 20:48:33
I still get the Infinity, so it may be worth replacing NaN with (NaN|Infinity) in that regex.
Post by iconPost by mak08 | 2018-06-25 | 20:55:57
I should have read the whole thread first, I thought calling the router wasn't working.

I'll fix the message and publish a new version.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-06-25 | 21:03:45
I should have mailed you about 2 hours ago if I cared enough. If players can live without DTF and ranking, so be it. Someone at VR should get to the office and fix it sooner or later.
Post by iconPost by Fouras_17 | 2018-06-25 | 20:24:39
Well understood thank you

Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-06-25 | 20:34:43
ranking mystery solved. it's a ranking by who crashed his boat first. probably a new rule in the game. unannounced off course.

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-06-25 | 20:51:14
The #2 is still racing, so it's not that. Maybe the numeric error at the first game turn. Which would be pretty close to random number generator anyway.
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-06-25 | 20:53:20
the only thing fun about VR at the moment is to make fun about VR :p
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-06-25 | 21:45:54
Wow. It keeps getting better.

Post by iconPost by Inicio | 2018-06-25 | 21:48:45
On my MacAir, from an hour moreless, the extension don't work.
The router is not called.
No data from Clipper. Only from Atlantic Record.
Post by iconPost by mak08 | 2018-06-25 | 22:04:49
Hmm, I published two versions in rapid succession. 2.3.2 should be available soon.

Clipper data was not displayed because the invalid JSON discussed above, but calling the router always worked for me.

If the error persists, can you open chrome://extensions/ (or the Chrome/Mac equivalent) and look at the errors listed for VR Dashboard?
Post by iconPost by LucyInTheSky | 2018-06-25 | 22:05:31
I have to call router manually from dashboard, and fill in position manually, but at least I can use the router.

Post by iconPost by gushami | 2018-06-26 | 17:24:38
Did anyone else experience a strange behaviour from the client about an hour or a half ago?
Logging back on I saw that I had made an unintantional gybe and was going at +160° twa for some time.
But when looking at the dashboard I could not see any trace of going in that direction.
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-06-26 | 21:18:40
any waypoints involved?

Post by iconPost by gushami | 2018-06-26 | 21:47:25
None that I know of. I did have a bunch of them this morning and I deleted the last two when regaining manual control, but that was at least 7 hours before this happened.
Post by iconPost by Ursus Maritimus | 2018-06-27 | 05:26:17
sometimes the UI shows your boat reversed, but VR Dashboard not. Stay cool, just reload the game.
Post by iconPost by Stormbringer | 2018-06-27 | 14:15:21
I think the Clipper map disappeared from the drop down menu on the Zezo homepage? The Clipper link leads to the VOR map.
Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2018-06-27 | 15:39:31
use this link until Cvetan fixes it :
Post by iconPost by Stormbringer | 2018-06-27 | 15:48:57
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