Post by iconPost by falcon49 | 2018-10-30 | 17:31:02

Since this afternoon, it seems that activate the extension blocks VR
In fact we have the Loading logo turning turning ... and nothing ....
But if we run VR extension, it works
I test also with zezo without extension and entering manualy position, it works
something wrong with new VR interface

commenticon 5 Comments
Post by iconPost by SirSailsalot | 2018-10-30 | 17:58:34
Can't seem to get in VR on PC. On iPhone it works...

Post by iconPost by mak08 | 2018-10-30 | 18:08:53
VR does not notice if the extension (any extension in fact) is running. If VR seems to hang, just reload the page. If that doesn't help, press F12 (enabling the debugger), then hold the reload button and select 'Empty Cache and Hard Reload'.

Post by iconPost by falcon49 | 2018-10-30 | 19:14:35
IF I do it is ok
but it is also ok without doing nothing just reopen chrome without extension has I told in the first memo
the problem is only if you want running the extension and vr on pc w10 with the last update of w10
Post by iconPost by toxcct | 2018-10-30 | 21:17:29
I confirm mak08. I have the latest Windows 10 updates since now, and I observe the freeze...

I don't understand why that would behave this way. It surely does not come from the extension. Maybe chrome, or maybe something else I don't get.
Post by iconPost by mak08 | 2018-10-30 | 22:06:09
In the past, switching to the newly opened Router tab automatically when entering a race triggered an out-of-memory error in the game UI. That was a bug in the game UI but you could avoid it by disabling 'Auto router window' before entering a race for the first time.

In addition, I've just changed the Dashboard page to open in the background as well (update will become available in about 30min).
Maybe this helps.
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