Post by iconPost by jadanton | 2018-11-08 | 09:02:56

Hi everybody.
congrats for evrything you're doing for easing our sailing.

BTW, i'm trying to do my best in english (if anyone speaks french, might a great help )

i didn't find the answer to my question in others topic so here i am.

i'm surprised to see some big differences of the routes proposed by the application, depending of the track duration (for exemple on the Route du rhum 2018, the track proposed is very different if i choose a track duration of 5 days than if i choose a track duration of 8 days)

i would be grateful to any clue given, and which one is the best to take.


commenticon 7 Comments
Post by iconPost by holydonkey | 2018-11-08 | 09:58:17
Trouvez sur ce site :

Cela m'as bien aidé...

Quand vous faites un routage sur une longue période (5 jours et plus), vous êtes tributaires, à terme, de changements météo importants.
Comment procéder, concrètement ? Effectuer un routage à 7 ou 8 jours vers votre objectif (fanion vert). Repérer le croisement de votre tracé avec l’isochrone à 5 jours. (point noir). Y placer votre drapeau vert et choisir 5 jours en haut à droite.

Refaire la même manoeuvre pour 3 jours, puis 2, puis 1. Vous êtes alors certain d’avoir la trajectoire la plus optimisée possible (suivant votre but) pour les 24 heures à venir.

Pour faire le meilleur usage de cet outil, vous devez observer les prévisions à long terme, vous prononcer sur une stratégie et vous y tenir. Ensuite, utilisez les prévisions à court terme avec des points de destination éloignés (comme décrit ci-dessus) pour faire de la planification tactique.

Mais n’oubliez pas : Les êtres humains sont encore beaucoup mieux équipés que les ordinateurs quand il s’agit de faire fonctionner ses neurones ou son flair.

Philippe / holydonkey
Post by iconPost by GeGaX | 2018-11-08 | 10:02:22
FR :
Merci de faire l'effort de parler en anglais, si besoin d'aide Google Traduction est votre ami 😉

EN :
Thanks for making the effort to speak English, if need help Google Translation is your friend 😉
Post by iconPost by holydonkey | 2018-11-08 | 12:20:06
(if anyone speaks french, might a great help )
i think it's clear ! .... he is not confortable with google translate but he nned help....

Find on this site:

It helped me a lot ...

When you are routing for a long time (5 days or more), you are dependent, in the long run, on important weather changes.
How to proceed, concretely? Perform a 7 or 8 day routing to your goal (green pennant). Find the crossing of your path with the isochrone at 5 days. (black dot). Put your green flag on it and choose 5 days at the top right.

Repeat the same maneuver for 3 days, then 2, then 1. You are then certain to have the most optimized trajectory possible (depending on your goal) for the next 24 hours.

To make the best use of this tool, you must observe the long-term forecasts, decide on a strategy and stick to it. Then use short-term forecasts with remote destination points (as described above) for tactical planning.

But do not forget: Humans are still much better equipped than computers when it comes to running their neurons or flair.

Philippe / holydonkey

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-11-09 | 13:38:43
No need to do this. Same level of detail is used for every routing, no matter of the selected period. The step increases over time, same way in all cases.

But moving the destination point a bit to the side can help you sticking with certain strategy.
Post by iconPost by jadanton | 2018-11-08 | 18:34:37
houhou, great !

thanx for your help !
(merci pour ton aide)

Post by iconPost by holydonkey | 2018-11-12 | 17:14:54
Thanks you mean thats is not needed to move the destination point to the closer place ? just move the meteo prevision ? that's right somebody have a link to strategy for virtual race using zezo or other router, thanks, philippe
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2018-11-12 | 18:42:50
Maybe sometimes.

But too short forecast has the risk of leaving you in the middle of a wind hole that's in the way.

It could work if there is no short-term wind hole. Then a shorter forecast towards the original finish line could be more stable than a path that reaches the line but jumps 1000 miles North/South every 6 hours.
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