first of all I congratulate the author of this website, great job...
I began to play VR game with the Route du Rhum in october, then I started the Jules Vernes Trophy without routing tools. All was rather good until Horn Cabo (1700e), then the return along south America was a disaster... So looking for the polars' sails on internet in order to try to build a kind of routing tools with a few more days of prediction, I found the zezo's website. Surprise, all is already done ! Even the better day to start ! Great !
So now I am very curious to check what would have been my better path with grib archive (that I also found here). Not sure that this simulator can do it, I am right ? I didn't find issue in the forum. Otherwise I saw that there was other routing tools (like qvtlm) is one can do the job ? And I should configure the VR's polars and foil effect inside, maybe not so easy...

Post by
zezo | 2019-01-05 | 15:15:04
I've done retrospective routing before - to see how close was the leg winner to the "perfect track" in few VOR legs. It's always been pretty close with 100k participating boats.
But it's a manual configuration, and a round-the world race can't be done in one step, you need 5 or more, with overlapping segments and some human intervention.
As for third party tools - you can have the foils, polish and everything in the polars, so that's not a problem. The main difference is the wind interpolation algorithm, which is pretty specific to the game.
You can use the single grib files from my archive - like 20190105_000.grib, to build a 40-day view , but you have to download about 320 of them.

Post by
SamO | 2019-01-05 | 18:03:53
Ok, thanks for your answer Zezo, I understand it's not possible to do it automatically with your online Simulator (you ever did it but manually), so I will try with an other tool.
My goal is only to simulate the path from Horn Cabo to the equator, with the first grib it's sufficient, the one edited when I was on the Horn Cabo line (all_2018_12_23_12z). Just to see what would have been the ideal choice for a routing tool at this moment compared with my choice (hours of reflexion !), which was to sail really near (too much) to the coast... It looks like I've been trapped.
And for the specific wind interpolation I think it should have low consequences for this comparison.