Hello ppl and wish you all the best for the new year. On the Cape2Rio regatta, I experienced wind drifting while no new forcast was added to the race. From what I know every +-6 hours we adjust the in game weather to real weather as it comes by the weather reports. So about noon we had the new weather and at the time we were sailing in bay towards the finish. Using the programmer I planned a route with one jybe to west near the west shore of the bay and then one line with 134 to 135 degrees to the wind to finish, passing through the west shore and a little rock. With the new forcast this was not possible anymore and a second jybe near the east shore was necessary to get me to the finish line. Also the lines had to open a little to 139 to 140 after after the first jybe and to 145 after the last jybe for the short distance to the finish. For the next couple of hours that was the case with a few minor adjustments to my route. But about 2 hours later things changed. I could go to finish with only one jybe and again with faster lines in 134-135 degree to the wind. So it did happen to the end. If we have not a live weather how that is possible?? I am glad ofcrs as it was a faster route for me, but I must understand how things works. Please I am all ears to ideas and thoughts about that.
Thank you for your time
Theo(Bewareth IST)

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