Post by
nsp | 2020-05-24 | 14:38:47
Hi YC6211.
In fact, as someone said for the first one you are going preety well above aveerage, specially considering your boat is not fully rigged.
My 50cents:
Og course it depends a lot if it's a regional or a longer race, or if it is going on in a region where weather conditions are more stable. After all is different to race in Caribbean or Papua/New Guinea or the Deep South or Northern Atlantic.
There are several kind of players:
Some of us tend to design a strategy besed in studyinf geographical and weather patterns, the average weather conditions in a given part of the globe etc. Then bascially they start, normally not paying too much atention to zezo and "fighting it" for the first days till they get into the desired strategy.
In the long term, zezo will always help us to keep us on the right path sooner or later as we feel we are where we want.
Others follow Zezo, from second one to the finish. With little adjustments mainly to mark a contender move or some minor stuff.
And I have seen both solutions work, maybe with a tendancy for the second to win in stable weather conditions or regions.
During the years I have seen almost improbable things happening when for example a fleet splitting in two ways, going some West of Australia and others East on the way to Hong Kong, almost gave a strange result. Consider the scale of Australia, we are not talking about going East or west of Madagascar. :)
Another example is Your Mom, SA, he was for a long time VR number 1, and I saw him frequently doing strange routes sometimes with just a little pack with him (never alone because someone always follow him, lol), usually cents or a thousand of miles away from the main pack. And in the end, if not winning he was close to. I am sure he was not following Zezo for a long time, till he get the zone he was aiming to get in.