Post by
zezo | 2020-06-01 | 07:46:44
The router knows the VMG angles, but does not have a preference for them, and as noted above, sometimes the polars are quite flat around that spot, VMG-wise.
That's is why the red and green line of the projected track exist - they let you compare a fixed TWA/HDG course against the isochrones and decide yourself where to point the boat.
My usual process is to check the projected track then check the polars for the VMG and possible sail changes, also for sail crossover points.
Sometimes polars have dips that make it faster to sail TWA 65 and 75 alternatively instead of straight 70 - See the Maxi polars at 16 knots TWS (also at TWA 130 there). The router usually gets that, but still may not propose the exact optimum route, or may suggest a change more often than needed.