Post by
YourMomSA | 2020-08-20 | 16:25:52
I've reviewed all of the boats to have broken 18 days at Cape Horn so far. I think there will probably be a few more before this wave is finished. I'll edit this comment to update it if needed. Of the 38 to have broken 18 days so far, here are the ones I'm tracking as potential contenders... I've added some who I missed at the equator, and removed some who are still doing fine but have been passed by boats who started after them.
I'm listing them with Cape Horn rank, Name, and UTC Start Time.
Day 1 Starters who haven't been passed by anyone who started 2+ hours behind them, sorted by order on the water:
22 fransou 8/1 00:02
25 corsaire2B 8/1 00:20
29 Fouras_17 8/1 00:02
27 IntegralAC 8/1 03:19
16 CRISTAU 8/1 05:36
31 KONTIKI76 8/1 04:19
26 K1-cparou 8/1 08:18
28 Volador 8/1 12:00
fransou is first on the water, but none of these boats have been passed by anyone who started heavily behind them... So they all can potentially have the best elapsed time simply by gaining on those who started before them. This group has been escaping from the next wave, with favorable conditions up the Chilean coast. If that persists, they may regain the elapsed time lead.
Day 2 starters with top 10 Cape Horn times, sorted by Cape Horn rank:
1 NZ-Eligo 8/2 21:39
2 AUS DF2 8/2 23:29
3 Colin767 8/2 21:00
4 RouteD13 8/2 20:49
5 jakoufr 8/2 21:00
6 LOKY77 8/2 20:28
7 Brasserie 8/2 20:00
8 Your Mom SA 8/3 00:02
9 CocoNeuil 8/3 01:02
10 Aigle-Vert 8/2 19:22
There are some big gaps. AUS DF2 is 90 minutes ahead of Colin767, and RouteD13 is 98 minutes ahead of jakoufr. So NZ-Eligo has a good advantage, but if fleet compression occurs, he may be passed on elapsed time by later starters. AUS DF2 is in the best position for that, and then me and CocoNeuil. But CocoNeuil and I need hours of fleet compression to have a chance.
Edit: 50 boats have now reached Cape Horn under 18 days. We might see a few more before the gushami group, but I think it has been 18 days now since the end of the Isaias start window. Among the 12 boats who passed Cape Horn after my original post, the one in the best position to contend is HossegorOcean40. He's the latest starter (by hours) of boats to have reached Cape Horn under 18 days. His elapsed time is 13 hours off the lead, but fleet compression can kill that in a hurry.
It will be very interesting to see who starts (and who quits to re-start) in the coming days. The excellent window for this weekend fell apart a bit with the latest forecast, but still doesn't look bad... but it's spread out over several days now... Very hard to tell when is the right time to go, if you want to go. I think I'll break 32 days, so I'm not going to restart. We've got a pretty good Pacific forecast, and our South Atlantic was pretty good too.