Post by
Maharani2 | 2014-10-14 | 17:49:54
This is a text from FAQ of VR:
Does my boat slow down when I manoeuver?
It does indeed! To avoid rewarding manoeuvers that are close together and to not penalise navigators who are less available, a penalty system for manoeuvers is in place. After each change of direction or sail, the speed of the boat is limited during the next two minutes that follow the manoeuver.
Does my boat slow down when the direction is changed manually?
- Yes, for two minutes after the change.
Does my boat slowdown when the direction is programmed to change?
- Yes, for the few minutes that follow the programming, even if it’s at the end of the iteration. The slowdown will be carried over to the next iteration.
Do boats slow down with the regulator when the change in direction is minimal and the wind angle remains constant?
- In races in interpolated winds, the regulator is not penalised. During races with fixed constant winds, every heading change is penalised, even it’s done by the regulator.
How does the slowdown affect the boat when I’m navigating with waypoints? Do I slow down with each iteration? Do we slow down when we pass a waypoint?
- The course between waypoints is orthodromic, the heading changes lightly with each iteration when waypoints are active. These tiny heading changes caused by the rhumb line are not penalised, only the heading changes resulting in the validation of a waypoint
Do we slow down when we change a sail or when the sails are in automatic?
- Yes, you slow down with any sail change, manual or automatic.