For some reason every time we pass a weather change Pro Sails becomes unchecked. When I'm tired I usually program a few of the wrong way-points into the game, but then I scratch my head when it just doesn't match the router in my gut and switch to Pro . One weather change it had no destination selected as well, but was correctly routing to Cape Town.
Worth noting, Pacotool also comes up every time as Standard sails when I open it or refresh data from the game.
I just got it to misbehave without the weather change:
Game data:
135 stbd Auto TWA from a schedule
Auto sail choice
Pro Sails
Light Gennaker
Zezo Data:
135 stbd TWA etc
Standard Sails
Heavy Gennaker (box still happy and green)
Suggested when I check Pro:
TWA 130 (which I just did)
(and one more Get and it is back to Standard and the original course)
Seems to insist on the Heavy Genny though.
That is all for now. Not fatal, but maybe nice to watch for for my fellow Zezo fans!

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