Post by iconPost by MrBigBang | 2015-04-06 | 15:18:06

Hi Cvetan!
You are going to make a zezo " The travels of the Hermione " ?

commenticon 32 Comments
Post by iconPost by Bimmer | 2015-04-08 | 17:10:16
"Hermione" must be difficult, but it would be nice if you could manage it Cvetan :-))
Post by iconPost by MrBigBang | 2015-04-12 | 16:56:07
Any idea?
Post by iconPost by Sir_Petrus | 2015-04-15 | 16:27:30
Hi Cvetan

Even without the food stuff would be good to have something.

Post by iconPost by pados75 | 2015-04-16 | 16:17:51
yeah, quite a challenge to include the feeding of the crew. It's a new variable :)
Looks like we'll all be back to NAP !
Post by iconPost by Bimmer | 2015-04-18 | 06:22:52
What does "NAP" means??
Post by iconPost by pados75 | 2015-04-18 | 21:52:08
Bimmer, NAP is accronym for french "navigation au pifomètre", Pif being slang term for noze, it means navigating just with rough esteem without any calculation or tools. Obviously not needed anymore with the awsome work from Cvetan !!!
Post by iconPost by MrBigBang | 2015-04-17 | 20:39:01
Post by iconPost by Bimmer | 2015-04-18 | 06:34:26
Hi Cvetan

Can it be done?
Time is running out, so pleeeease answer :-)
Post by iconPost by Sir_Petrus | 2015-04-18 | 12:56:42
Hello Cvetan
Please the polars would be a very nice help.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-04-18 | 15:26:50
Working on it -

Right now it shows 100% polar performance, which is the 10-day rationing and might not be very useful. Maybe a static 30-day performance would be better? (A performance slider would be best, I know ;-)
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-04-18 | 16:10:31
Changed that to 65% performance, corresponding to 30 days of supplies. Looks like a looong way to America.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-04-18 | 17:37:57
This race could be fun with 100% boat performance, but the food penalty looks a bit too much to me. 50% performance hit with a 40-day range leaves you with a top speed below 4 knots.
Post by iconPost by Bimmer | 2015-04-18 | 17:47:29
Hi Cvetan
I cannot even imagine how much your work is appreciated among us all.
An extra donation is on it's way
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-04-18 | 18:41:47
It's not that much work, it's just don't like VR races with weird quirks like this one.

Performance below 30 day range falls faster than the time you get. That probably limits your choice to a Canaries - Cabo Verde - Anguilla route, and it will still take you two months to get there.
Post by iconPost by Sir_Petrus | 2015-04-19 | 13:55:53
Hi Cvetan
100% is better than nothing.
Since the speed changes is a percentage of de max speed, it does not change the shape or, the min-max angles. Witch is good.
The only "big" problem is the routing since the arrival to a certain point, will depend on the speed. though different routes should be calculated. :(
Not easy. Maybe a slide could be ok, or a dropdown box, or... get what we programmed on the game.

Thanks a lot, any way
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-04-19 | 14:55:51
It should not be too difficult to add a drop-down with 50 to 100% performance in 10% increments. I will look at it tomorrow.
Post by iconPost by pados75 | 2015-04-20 | 11:13:28
That would be awesome ! No need to include the food in the routing optimisation, but rather just an option for use to choose and test...
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-04-20 | 15:29:14
I added a performance drop down. 50-100% in 5% increments.

Still not sure if you can make the longest leg of the voyage at all, maybe waiting for good weather window will be necessary.
Post by iconPost by pados75 | 2015-04-20 | 18:48:55
How do you define at which % your boat is actually set to? Just actual_speed/max_speed?
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-04-20 | 18:53:07
Yes, that's fraction of the maximum speed. The relation between resource usage and speed is not exactly linear (well, probably linear, bu the zero is offset) but you can get the approximate value by moving the slider up and down and checking the boat speed (sans the 0.1kt rounding error)
Post by iconPost by pados75 | 2015-04-20 | 19:03:01
This is awesome ! Still doesn't tell me if I would take safe route with southwesterlies or challenge to the Acores, lol!. Been banging my head about this one since the beginning. But thanks so much for the tool!

Which is your boat?
Post by iconPost by Bimmer | 2015-04-22 | 10:27:03
If it's Cvetan's boat youre asking about it's "BIG BIRD"
Post by iconPost by Bimmer | 2015-04-23 | 22:28:55
Hi Cvetan
Are you planning to insert the rest of the food supply areas in t
he L'Hermione chart?
Post by iconPost by Bimmer | 2015-04-24 | 14:31:38
Thx Cvetan, but remember that they have different radius !!
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-04-24 | 15:56:41
Ooops. I haven't seen that detail.

edit: Fixed.
Post by iconPost by Bimmer | 2015-04-30 | 08:33:30
Good Morning Cvetan.
Bimmer is calling "WE HAVE A PROBLEM"1
All the raiduses are too big (about 5% I should say).
That means that, when we think we have crossed the line, then we are inside, but we're NOT.
I think they should be very accurate to the 100nm, 200nm, 250nm and 300nm measurement.
And, by the way, You completely forgot "Wilmington".

Other than that, it's a really funny race.
Post by iconPost by Bimmer | 2015-04-30 | 12:46:16
They radiuses are still too big and Wilkingtown is there
Post by iconPost by Bimmer | 2015-05-01 | 15:13:07
Now I just realized that the circles are NOT circles.
They are ovales!!!
On the Canaries it's exactly 100 nm on tha narrow side, and 110 nm on the wider.
Is that a technical problem fir you, Cvetan ?
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-05-02 | 13:38:05
The circles are not round in the map projection, and the "horizontal" size could be slightly off, because the calculation is a bit simplified. Not visible with the finish circles, but you can notice it with hundred miles radius.
Post by iconPost by Bimmer | 2015-05-03 | 16:46:10
Ok thanks for the explanation, then we just have to take it into our considerations
Post by iconPost by Bimmer | 2015-05-09 | 18:37:11
Hi Cvetan.
Is my eyes decieving me, og have you managed to fix the problem with the oval circles?
If so, I am, once again, impressed with your skills. :-)
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-05-10 | 16:49:56
Yeah, it was a stupid copy-paste programming error.

The size of the circles got adjusted for the latitude of the finish point instead of the latitude of each zone. This made the southern zones wider and the northern zones too narrow.
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