Post by iconPost by SixrOses | 2015-10-15 | 21:18:00

Hi Cvetan,

Many tnks for all.
Will the Jules Verne Trophy be supportedd by Zezo this year ?

Once more, thks for your contribution to our pleasure :))


commenticon 41 Comments
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-10-21 | 21:41:25
Drop me a line when you see the race active on the VR site.
Post by iconPost by SixrOses | 2015-10-23 | 11:27:40
Hi Cvetan,

As previously said, it's now active... :)

Post by iconPost by gorloge | 2015-10-22 | 17:50:15
Hello Zezo,

Not yet active on VR site, for time being, at thursday 22th 16h49, french time, which + 2 hours
all the best
Post by iconPost by Fouras_17 | 2015-10-22 | 22:46:14

Jules Verne Trophy in ready on VR
Post by iconPost by SixrOses | 2015-10-23 | 08:56:37
Hi Cvetan,

As previously said, it's now active...

Post by iconPost by gorloge | 2015-10-23 | 22:42:18

Really active, right now !
Waiting for Zezo Routing, hey friend !

All the best

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-10-24 | 16:38:05
Here you go:

It's actually the same boat as Ultime in the Jacques Vabre.

The "Timeshift" option adds 24 hours to the current time.

One year ago Thomas Coville has set 1-week routing to the equator as starting criteria. I was checking my routing every day and could actually predict the start before the official announce. Unfortunately the weather was not cooperating, let's see how it works this year for Spindrift.
Post by iconPost by SixrOses | 2015-10-24 | 23:50:23
Hi Cvetan,
As usual you're really reactive !!!
I think everybody try to start with a less than seven days to 0° perspective.
But none knows what St Helene is preparing :)
Thanks a lot once more
Post by iconPost by gorloge | 2015-10-25 | 00:17:22
Many thanks Zezo !
Just a special question : My TWA is at 110°, but Zezo says -40° (TWA), at the right black point on the map !
Maybe, a disturb function aronud the Timeshift option, which is out in my actual position.
Alle the best
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-10-25 | 01:04:40
Ooops. It seems that I'd broken the forecast update today, but it was affecting only the data used by the router, not the displayed winds. In effect the router had additional 12-hour time shift.

Should be back in sync now.
Post by iconPost by gorloge | 2015-10-25 | 01:10:30
Wonderful Zezo, everything is allright now, for me anywhere ! The Team_31 send you a special message from Toulouse : You're now tracking the best routing data ! A very special one for us !
Many many thanks to you, Zezo :-)
Post by iconPost by gorloge | 2015-10-25 | 01:32:52
Hey, it's me, i'm back, as central scrutinizer !
Dear Zezo, lokk at 25/10/2015, at exactly 20h00.
Routing announce TWA -30° ; a perfect stranger anyway ! very abnormal, nonsense way, isn't it ?
See you next on writing..
Yours faithfully,
Michel, as Gorloge31, on VR speed Way
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-10-25 | 10:53:09
It was probably a glitch caused by the (coming) end of the daylight savings time.
Post by iconPost by NOR7034 | 2015-10-27 | 16:21:17
Interesting race, but I don't find much information on the VR webpages/ forum. (Even less than normal.)

I assume there is date/ time when the race closes. Anybody found out when?

I remember the summer of 2014 when a group of us were doing very well trying to beat the record New York- Lizard Point and the race closed when we were just a few hours from the finish line....
Post by iconPost by SixrOses | 2015-10-28 | 10:21:30
VR usually announces this date very late.
I think you can try to beat the record until march/april 2016.
Enough to start and reset many times :))
Post by iconPost by SixrOses | 2015-10-29 | 12:52:30
Hi Cvetan,

It seems Zezo does not considere the 60° limit and propose routing under this parallele.
I hope it will be easy to correct this.

Post by iconPost by demirose | 2015-10-29 | 16:01:13
Hi Cvetan,
Thanks so much for the improvements to the program. I have learned so much!

I have searched the website for an explanation of the red/green/blue line tool and cannot locate it. It appears that it is a useful tool but would like to know how to use it more effectively. Help! Thanks!!
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-10-29 | 17:37:07
You have a point. The "documentation" is few years out of date.

It's kinda documented in a forum post here

It's not mentionet there, but I personally use it to resolve the TWA/Heading discrepancies caused by the wind interpolation.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-10-30 | 18:03:05

Is it the same like the last year Sodebo Challenge - gradual speed decrease below 60°

Easy to fix, just have to know the details.
Post by iconPost by SixrOses | 2015-11-01 | 10:12:55
Hi Cvetan,

I've no answer from VR but the 60° line is on the map.
So, it's certainly the same as Sodebo, and previous Trophée.

Post by iconPost by Fouras_17 | 2015-11-02 | 13:21:54

Fernando De Noronha after there is more marked road that's normal?

Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-11-02 | 13:40:29
Fernando De Noronha is a good initial destination when going from Europe to Cape Town.

Going straight for the Cape will usually get you too close to Africa at the equator and there waits a big wind hole, so the optimum route usually goes close to Brazil, sometimes along the coast as far as Rio.
Post by iconPost by Fouras_17 | 2015-11-02 | 14:47:05
OK thank you
Post by iconPost by SixrOses | 2015-11-13 | 15:31:16
Hi Cvetan,

It seems Zezo does not care about the 60° red line.
Would you mind fix it ?
As you said before, the speed gradualy decreases below this line.
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-11-14 | 22:56:48
Fixed with the last year Sodebo rules (gradual slow-down between 60 and 61)
Post by iconPost by SixrOses | 2015-11-15 | 15:54:25
Perfect Cvetan !!!
many thanks and best winds
Post by iconPost by folono | 2015-11-15 | 20:56:54
j'ai pas zezo pour le trophé jules verne
pourriez me donner le lien merci
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-11-15 | 21:03:16

You can choose one of the active races on the home page drop-down list.
Post by iconPost by folono | 2015-11-15 | 21:15:03
merci le lien arrete ma course vers le brésil pourquoi merci
Post by iconPost by MarinsEauDouce | 2015-11-16 | 17:50:07
@folono; Votre routage s'arrête au Brésil car vous avez sans doute sélectionner "Go to Fernando de Noronha"
Post by iconPost by Paddy52 | 2015-11-27 | 20:46:24
Bonjour, je suis nouveau sur le site et je l'utilise depuis le début de Spindrift. Moi aussi ma route s'arrete au niveau du Bresil et je n'ai rien sélectionné. Pouvez vous m'aider?
Post by iconPost by 1487jean | 2015-11-17 | 09:11:12
Pourquoi parfois les vitesses des bateaux ne sont pas les mêmes sur Zezo et sur Virtual ?
Post by iconPost by folono | 2015-11-17 | 22:24:57
merci beaucoup marin
Post by iconPost by folono | 2015-11-29 | 19:49:34
bonsoir paddy
tu fais un clic droit un carré s'ouvre tu changes ta destination ou tu veux te rendre
Post by iconPost by ctr | 2015-12-06 | 11:42:02
Hello Cvetan
Why projection 384h does not work anymore, it stops south of the NZ?
Is it because of the Date Line?
Did you have a solution?
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-12-06 | 13:30:46
The Date line implementation is somehow broken indeed. But you don't really need more than a few days worth of forecast down below 50S - you are either riding a low pressure system, catching up with it or waiting for the next one ;-)
Post by iconPost by enozniwt | 2015-12-07 | 14:46:20
Il y a comme un souci depuis hier. Le cap préconisé ne correspond pas du tout à l'angle au vent.
Exemple en ce moment même pour un cap 100° l'angle annoncé est de -155°
Sur VR pour une route à 100° j'ai un angle de -166°.
Y en a -t-il d'autres qui ont fait ce constat?
Post by iconPost by btr48 | 2015-12-09 | 21:32:12
Bonjour.Depuis le 6 décembre 2015 au soir, il ne m'est plus possible de transposer la trace zézo dans vrtool. J'obtiens une erreur d'exécution 5 dès que je colle le code source dans le classeur excel spécialement conçu et disponible à cette adresse: ... ol-v2.html
Tout fonctionnait parfaitement depuis des mois. L'anomalie apparait également sur d'autres pc utilisant comme moi W7 et excel 2010 ainsi que firefox,IE ou chrome.
Quelqu'un a-t-il la solution? merci
Post by iconPost by ctr | 2015-12-20 | 12:11:49
hello Cvetan
Can you add as destination point: Ouessant
Thank you so much
Post by iconPost by zezo | 2015-12-20 | 12:51:48
Done, thanks. I was meaning to do it yesterday, but had forgotten ;-)
Post by iconPost by ctr | 2015-12-20 | 14:13:46
thank you so much for all your work
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