Post by
nsp | 2017-11-21 | 12:35:48
Hi Slapadash,
I garantee you, no offense taken :)
As a matter of a fact as when I see this kind of situations, me too, I have a tendancy to not value them or to classify them as what i would call as "bugs" if i had to call that anything.
However, I have been around since the beginning of VR when the definition of pixel was really a visible fact. And since then we were used to saw really strange things, like boats jumpimg over land pixels, kind of "crossroadind yachts", etc :) Some would still remember the episode of a leading boad called "elpape" doing this and still continuing to navigate as if nothing happened...It was a collective explosion back then in forums. And I see that as a bug. It doesn't cross my mind that someone took advantage of their hacker skills to their bennefits in here.
However, I know that it is possible, I remember that in VirtualSkipper, some years ago, some players (not just a little number) were banned because they found a way to accelerate their boats. And the idiot thing it was that we were racing against them and we were just amazed at the time thinking....wow how good these guys are, just until one of the guys discover the plott.
I don't know if it that is possible in this kind of platform, and I prefer to even don't think about it or simply I wouldnt be here. One thing I am sure nowadays with a lot more of us turned to technologies those kind of situations would be more easy to spott. So I can't ignore that some strange things happen...when I spott something that I think is really wrong I ask the experts their opinion. In the above mentioned cases I sent some data to Cvetan and asked his opinion.
But I stay cool.
It's just this...the rest is fun and just a game, that i like to think it's a fair one for everyone of us.
Get out of the cockpit and get some sun hehehheh