copy of the post I made in VR forum
"Hi VR team
Hi all,
I have a screenshot of the fireworks, credits for a huge amount of useless cards i didn't use, and your party on my modest arrival on 273th place. Thank you very much. You didn't have to bother... it wasn't that good.
One hour later I got more fireworks and more credits, and more congratulations. You are so nice! thank you again!!! The only thing i didn't like it's you updating my arrival to 280th?! Seriouslly????????!!!!!
I would apreciate you guys to correct it as soon as possible aswell as the amount of points in in harmony with the 273th place of my arrival,
Thank you very much.
I think it's not necessary to paste here the image. but i will do it if you think i need to prove anything?
Best regards
PS: I understand that server updates my boat as soon as I arrive...but....it also updates, other boats as soon as they arrive, and imediatly gave an order to show the arrival window, computers give like 50.000 million instructions per second. Please don't argument with the updating of the other boats....if you do, then we all agree that this platform is a piece of crap, that even can't compute who arrives in which place! That or....

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