Is VR really a routeing/sailing strategy game nowadays?
I thought so.
It was more before.
Now it's getting ridiculous.
And no I am not whinning, I am being objective. I can explain what I mean.
A strategy game against an opponent or a multitude of opponents implies that you have an idea of that opponent or an average idea of that multitude. In what concerns THE opponent nothing to say, if we know that he or she is in the race we mark the boat and we develop some tactics together with our general strategy.
And of course, we have a rough idea of what and where is the, let's say middle group , southern group or northern group.
Now, when you are racing you are supposed to know the environment where you are racing... your surroundings. And the idiot part is that in fact, at this stage of the game, you don't know.
Until now I was cool with my strategy, going cool, keeping cool, and then...surprise surprise...they are starting to popp around me like mushrooms.
This is totally idiot, as I said this is supposed to be a strategy and tactical game where people are playing against each other..Now, it's impossible to make any tactic against anyone that you don't see.
And that is totally different from going stealth..If an adversary suddenlly goes stealth you still have ways to control the his/her boat: distance to your boat, twa, tws, twd, bs and your brains, can give you an idea on the move that your adversary made. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. That's a challenge.
Now, not seeing them, really is something VR has to fix, because it's a corruption of the game idea and obective.
We don't need to see boats that we some times see when we zoom out to max zone and arein the back of the race or in the middle. we don't need to see boats just because they have a beautiful yellow ballon on that saying it's a star. We need to see the boats that we are directly racing with OR that are in a given area that we zoom in. The balance between these two things probably don't overcharge that much the resources of the servers, I don't know.
But deffenitely something in this area has to be done or it's ridiculous, to the point in the limit when you are going to cross the finish line and suddenly a boat pops in front of you, without you being able to make a tactical move to win.
Just trying to be constructive, but it's annoying at the same time.

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