Have any of you ever tried virtual skipper 5 (vsk 5) or any other vsk games? i used to play few years ago and now starting again;) It's 2007/8 pc game, "Americas cup 2007" simulator ;)Solo and multi mode(fixed ip and port opened to host), can be downloaded for free but you have to wait 10 min to play or just pay 20-30euro and skip waiting. It would be so great to do some racing, jvt using world map in vsk5 on board of comanche or imoca, vor leg on v70 :) vroffshore 3d mode or vr inshore whole game are joke compered to this 12 years old game xD vsk5 got real good physics and handling model so it maters how you "drive" and where, port or starboard,leeward or windward, if you used wind shifts or not. In northern hemisphere "winter is coming" so it might be a good moment to set some sails in new waters, So we could sail(vsk5) while we sail (vr) :D

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