From the link below, find a folder "Records 2020" which contains 2 files: an individual classification and another by team.
- Individual classification:
The first 10,000 boats are taken into account for each record: 1 point on the 1st, 2 pts on the second, ... 10,000 pts on the 10,000th. The 5 best results of each (2 jokers) will determine the general classification of the 2020 records. Those who have less than 5 results will not be classified.
- Team classification:
For the moment, only the first 50 HOF teams are present in this ranking. If other teams wish to be included, no problem, say it here or send me a mb. The first 10,000 boats are taken into account for each record: 1 point on the 1st, 2 pts on the second ... 10,000 pts on the 10,000th. The 8 best results per team and per record are counted. The score displayed in each cell is the average of these 8 scores, rounded to the nearest unit. A team that has less than 8 boats in the top 10,000 does not score a point. The 5 best averages of each team will determine the general classification at the end of the year. If we stay at 7 records, there will be 2 jokers.
These classifications are not official and may contain errors, especially if a skipper changes the name of his boat or if a team changes the composition of his team.
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