Hello guys, about 200 miles south of last jibe, we the west team have done, I had the programmer on to correct my route from 129 I was at that point, to 120. I went to bed and 4 hours later found my yacht heading 0,0!!! Before I go to bed I was in the head of that group. All leading yachts where in a 3-5 mile distance to each other. Before, I was about a mile behind ARYLLA and at my west site, I had Tessa94 parallel, in a short distance. After I made the mistake to sleep, I was 32,8 miles behind Arylla. I reported to VR, I gave them screenshots of my position before and of my route-print where is clear the 12,5 miles north course, that my yacht traveled because of the bug (it is even now visible with zoom,at 200 miles south of my jibe). I asked to be re-positioned back and a distance 5-10 miles from the lead of west group, would be OK, I would happily accept it.I also told them I only ask for a chance to have some kind of a fair race and that is, or should be your top priority as race organizers. I also said If re-positioning is not an option, then I would have to request the money I spend to buy the foul-pack. No respond from VR so far and additionally I failed to find my topic. I am not so familiar to VRs inner shit. Maybe is there somewhere and I couldn't find it. Anyway, I thought to report it here too, if not to be seen from mr Philippe Cagne (probably wrong spelled), but at least to alarm you guys, as that bug is real and kills your race. I know many are aware of that bug, but many more are not. Now I managed to shorten the distance to the lead of west group to about 22 miles, but even if I manage to overtake them, which I doubt, how does that sounds to you, me giving 30 miles handy-cup to all the top names?? That is not fair and VR seams ignoring whatever ruins their fiesta all about the record broken of participants (ofcrs, same time they send notice to fleet that due to excess amount of players ..bla,bla,bla, we have to drop the functions of the game to absolute "no function"!!! LOL. Ridiculous isn't it?). Is not only my case, they should have made ASAP a real help desk to attend all lost miles from bugs in the programmer(there is the killer bugs, in the programmer) and some short of re-positioning procedure.Other cases that I know of, earlier in the race, when the many changing of direction, ppl got ruined from bugged programmer, that ignored the turning buoy, etc. I am deeply disappointed from VR. I was expecting bugs, as they don't bother to get through some kind of beta test period or something, but, of course I expected that they have at least secured a fair race for all participants.

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