Post by
jf44 | 2020-12-07 | 10:10:06
Thanx Cvetan!
One another language to learn :))
I'll look at that now. I think it will be inspiring.
Please a precision. The NMEA flow it intended to send his data to each peculiar boat which is connected to your server.
If I understand your post, to select which boat has sended a query you have to correlate the boat id with the IP adress of the client...
My app has not the same constraints, except if I would let anybody computes a map on the fly, which is a very different task... Of course if I had such a server I could also mimic the connections from a subset of boats and format a butch of NMEA messages, with all the appropriate data.
But my goal is more limited. What I need is the data of a subset of the fleet,
why I would use the AIS "friends" and "team" flow for my own boat, plus infos like sail, TWA, TWS and perhaps Foils and DTU...
The best is to get the data directly in the debuger like is doing the VR Dashboard extension, and set up a specific proxy.
Is that right ?